May 7, 2011 - 09:48 AMT
U.S. Rep. Schiff plans to reintroduce Armenian Genocide resolution

Under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and joined by the Armenian Assembly, a community briefing featuring Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) was held at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in Pasadena, California.

Taking place at St. Gregory's Geragos Hall, Honorary Chairman Mark Geragos provided opening remarks. Before introducing Congressman Schiff and reviewing his extensive record, the Assembly's Executive Director Bryan Ardouny thanked St. Gregory's Parish as well as the Assembly's Southern California Regional Council (SCRC) Members.

In his remarks, Congressman Schiff touched on a wide-range of issues, including affirmation of the Armenian Genocide and the continued efforts in the House of Representatives, President Obama's April 24 statement, funding for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan's continued war rhetoric, and the recent California Court decision regarding insurance-related claims dating back to the Armenian Genocide era.

Looking ahead, Congressman Schiff highlighted several legislative initiatives, including the reintroduction of the Armenian Genocide resolution, as well as legislation to address Turkey's ongoing blockade of Armenia, and the protection of Church property and minority rights in Turkey.

"On behalf of St. Gregory's Parish and the Armenian Assembly's Southern California Regional Council, we applaud Congressman Schiff's ongoing commitment and dedication to Armenian Issues," stated Richard Mushegain, Chairman of the St. Gregory Parish Council and the Assembly's SCRC.