May 18, 2011 - 13:34 AMT
Number of Spaniards willing to visit Armenia sharply increased

The Armenian embassy in Spain hosted an advertising presentation for representatives of the Spanish tour agencies. The event aimed to present Armenia as a new, incompletely discovered country for tourism.

It brought together around 50 tourists, who expressed willingness to visit Armenia, while Tailored Design Traveling elite tour agency of Spain disseminated advertising materials about historical and cultural masterpieces, as well as sites of Armenia.

Armenia’s Charge d’Affairs in Spain Khoren Terteryan addressed the event, after which Dr. Fernando Labad, a specialist of the Armenian Studies, showed a set of photos and briefed on Armenia’s ancient culture, history, church, language, alphabet and national traditions.

According to tour agencies, the number of Spaniards, who are willing to visit Armenia, has sharply increased, the RA MFA press service reported.