January 29, 2001 - 17:29 AMT
29.01.2001, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. The trial of the case of the attempt upon NKR President, scheduled to January 29, didn't take place.
As Mediamax was informed in the Supreme Court of NKR, the Prosecutor asked for a short break "due to valid reason". The trial is expected to be resumed tomorrow, January 30.
The investigation is already over, and now pleadings are to be held. On January 17 a break was announced on the solicitation of the State prosecutor, who asked to give time to prepare the speech for the prosecution.
The trial of the accused of the March 22 terrorist act against NKR president Arkadi Ghukasian began in Stepanakert on September 18. The main accused of the case is NKR ex defense minister Lieutenant-General Samvel Babayan. There are 16 persons involved in the case. --0--