June 2, 2011 - 17:38 AMT
Society is to decide on Kocharyan's leaving politics, Nikol Pashinyan says

A member of Armenian National Congress (ANC), Haykakan Zhamanak daily editor-in-chief Nikol Pashinyan commented on rumours about second Armenian president Robert Kocharyan's returning or leaving the politics.

“Armenian society must allow the second Armenian president Robert Kocharyan to leave politics; the issue is not for Kocharyan to decide,” Pashinyan stressed.

“It would be lucky for someone whishing to leave politics to be able to do so, yet this is not a privilege Kocharyan may enjoy – he has many questions to answer,” Pashinyan noted.

Armenian opposition believes the second Armenian president Robert Kocharyan answerable for March 2008 tragic events resulting in deaths of 10 people.