January 9, 2001 - 21:17 AMT
09.01.2001, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. Hearings of the terrorist act against NKR President were resumed in Supreme Court of NKR on January 8. Testimonies of some witnesses were heard.
Ex officer of NKR Defense Army Rudik Usnunts declared that a few months before the terrorist act Sasun Aghajanian had told him he would kill the President of NKR. When asked about it by the judge, S. Aghajanian said he didn't remember anything like that.
Leonid Babayan, who headed the rocket-artillery armament of NKR Defense Army in late 1999-early 2000, said there were two registers for weapon. Certain amount of weapon, unregistered in general army lists, was recorded in a separate journal, the witness stated. After the corresponding commission urged to include the unregistered weapon in general lists, Leonid Babayan informed about it Samvel Babayan, asking him what to do. The latter being infuriated said it's up to the commission to decide what to do. Leonid Babayan said he didn't know about the unregistered weapon, which was later transferred from the military unit by S. Babayan's order.
Accused S. Babayan once again confirmed that certain amount of weapon wasn't registered in two military units by his order, and after his resignation he ordered to take the weapon to his native Msmna village, supposedly, taking upon himself the responsibility for the weapon. The State Prosecutor Mavr Ghukasian objected that it would have been safer not to conceal the weapon and ammunition from the government and to inform the authorities.
The court ordered Leonid Babayan and the present head of rocket-artillery armament of NKR Defense Army Vyacheslav Usnunts to define the lists of registered weapon more precisely in order to clear up the necessary details.
The process was postponed till January 9 at the request of the lawyers to determine the order of proof documents announcement. -0-