June 16, 2011 - 18:22 AMT
EuFoA: resolution of Karabakh conflict by means of force against international law

OSCE MG co-chairs denounced the rearmament in the region, and Ambassador Fassier was very explicit in mentioning Azerbaijan and the way they are displaying now drone technology, saying that this is leading down the wrong way, EuFoA Secretary General Dr. Michael Kambeck stressed.

“The Co-Chairs made it clear that any resolution of Karabakh conflict by means of force would be against international law, which seemed to answer recently intensified threats from Azerbaijan.” commented Dr. Kambeck.

“The EU’s role mainly consists of preparing the societies for peace and, once a peace deal exists, to help implement it. We strongly welcome the announcement that the EU will as of 1st of September again have a Special Representative for the region and those conflicts, which will upgrade the EU’s role there,” EuFoA Secretary General stated.