June 16, 2011 - 18:44 AMT
LulzSec attacks CIA website

The rampage of LulzSec continues with another high-profile attack. This time the target is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The attack was successful with the CIA website for the most part going offline. However, it’s unlikely any sensitive information was found on the public CIA web servers. The targeting of CIA was most likely more just to embarrass the intelligence agency for having less than intelligent website security.

Although it may have caused a few more lols for the members of LulzSec, targeting such a high-profile government agency may in the end backfire. This move will have angered some higher ups in the CIA who are now no doubt trying to figure out who this group is. And unlike a games company, the CIA has a lot more resources to throw behind a search campaign.

At the time of writing it looks as though the CIA have managed to bring their site back online and LulzSec has clearly moved on to planning its next target, Geek.com reports.