July 6, 2011 - 14:04 AMT
Armenian Communities Days to be held in Armenia

The Armenian Ministry of Diaspora pursues three objectives, that is, maintenance of Armenian identity, use of Diaspora’s potential for development of the Motherland and repatriation of Armenians, according to the Armenian Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan.

She said that this year the Ministry decided to render peculiar attention to youth.

“In this respect some events were held, including opening of a school for Diaspora’s journalists and a school of young leaders,” the Minister told a press conference in Yerevan adding that, from August 1-14, about 25-30 young Armenian leaders will visit Armenia.

Among other youth events Minister Hakobyan pointed out creation of All-Armenian Young Parliament in Facebook social network, Come Home program, and various contests.

She also noted that the Ministry actively cooperates with Armenian communities worldwide.

“Armenian communities will present cultural, educational and information reports in the homeland and Iranian Armenians will be the first,” Hakobyan said adding that Days of Iran’s Armenians will be held at late August - early September in Armenia.

In this context, she stressed that similar event will be held by the Armenian community of Istanbul.

The Ministry plans serious works with Armenian community of Iraq including familiarization with Armenian culture and history, according to Hakobyan.

She also said that the Ministry is preparing two films “Diaspora’s input to development of Armenia within 20 years” and “RA Ministry of Diaspora turns 3”.