July 12, 2011 - 10:32 AMT
ANCA-WR welcomes signing of CA bill on genocide victims rights

The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region welcomed the signing of California Assembly Bill 173.

The bill extends the statute of limitations, until 2016, for heirs of Armenian Genocide victims to pursue claims against insurance companies that sold policies during the Genocide but have withheld payment of the claims to the victims and their families. The bill was authored by California State Assembly Member Mike Gatto (AD-43-D-Glendale). California State Assembly Member Katcho Achadjian (AD-33-R-San Luis Obispo) joined Gatto as the bill’s principal co-author.

“California once again affirmed its commitment to justice for victims of the Armenian Genocide with the passage and signing of AB 173,” said Andrew Kzirian, Chairman of the ANCA-WR Board of Directors. “This legislation directly impacts our community and is a reminder that a just resolution of the Armenian Genocide remains a contemporary issue that must be addressed.”