August 2, 2011 - 18:10 AMT
Political annalist finds it hard to interpret Baku’s intention to form Azerbaijani Albanian Church

An expert at the Institute of Political and Social Studies of Black Sea and Caspian region, Andrei Areshev commented on the statement of the director of Azerbaijani Institute of History, parliamentarian Yaqub Mahmudov.

As Mahmudov noted earlier, “Azerbaijani Albanian Church will be formed to restore Albanian Auto-Cephalic Church abolished by tsarist Russia in 1836.”

“It’s hard to assume what Mahmudov meant by formation of an Albanian church. What regions of Azerbaijan will be included in the church, who else beside members of Albanian –Udinian community of Azerbaijan will be included in the church? Will other nations, Lezgins, Avarians, Rutulians will be included? If mere creation, rather than restoration in northern regions is meant, does it spell Azerbaijan’s refusing Albanian heritage of Karabakh?” the expert noted.

“What’s the language liturgies will be served in? How will the new structure interact with already existing church structures?” the expert remarked.