November 3, 2000 - 17:24 AMT
03.11.2000, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. "Despite the problems with the 2001 state budget, I am rather optimistic since I see interesting and positive changes," the Armenian President Robert Kocharian said during his interview to the Armenian National TV.
According to him, in 2000 a slight economic growth was registered in Armenia. The showings of the economic growth could be higher if not the drought. Kocharian stressed that this year the export volume increased by 122 percent. According to the President there are tangible growth in the structure of import as well - increase of the size of imported equipment and machine tools.
Robert Kocharian announced that by the end of the year and in 2001 serious programs will be implemented and the population will see progress yet in April-May of the next year. The President stressed that the implementation of the program for $165 mln of Lincy Foundation, patronage by the US billionaire Kirk Kirkorian, will start in the near future. This program is scheduled for 2 years and will be aimed at supporting small and medium businesses as well as on implementation of construction works in 1988 earthquake zone. Only the implementation of programs within the frames of last program of the Foundation will allow to create 25-30,000 jobs in 2001, Kocharian said. The Armenian President also said that there are serious development programs being financed by the World Bank and that the volume of these programs will reach up to $300 mln within 3 years. Robert Kocharian also said that in 2001 the volume of foreign investments to the Armenian economy will stand at $200 mln, "if not more".
The president also informed that more than 100,000 tourists will visit Armenia in 2001 for participation in the 1700 anniversary of adoption of Christianity in Armenia as a state religion. That will bring to the state about $100 mln more.
Robert Kocharian stressed that taking into consideration all these programs some 45,000 new jobs will be created in Armenia in 2001.
"The Armenian economy has never seen such an inflow of financial sources before, while most of the sources are directed to the development of the state budget but not for covering its deficit. In this light, I am sure that the year 2001 will be a turning-point for the economy of the state," the President Kocharian underlined. -0--