August 26, 2011 - 17:43 AMT
Is Apple always the best choice?

Recent media reports flooded with information about Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who has resigned his position, are focused on the company. No doubt, Jobs is a great figure in the history of Apple and information technology in general. However, some media outlets create an impression that by quitting his post he requested a death sentence for himself. After his resignation Apple shares fell 5%.

The huge flow of information doesn't surprise. Apple has always been a favorite of American press and even a tiny news causes a stir. Journalists seem to grasp any opportunity to write about Apple.

Release of any Apple product, specifically new versions of iPhone and iPad is always a remarkable event in IT field. Rumors acquire new details and originate new ones, making Apple a kind of IT-sect.

In Armenia, a stereotype developed that Apple is always the best choice. Maybe, the same happened in the U.S.? If yes, it's specifically spread among journalists, who seem to have created the stereotype themselves.

Lusine Paravyan / PanARMENIAN News