September 1, 2011 - 15:46 AMT
Expert: Stepanakert-Baku talks next stage in Karabakh settlement

Direct Stepanakert-Baku negotiations will become the next stage in Nagorno Karabakh settlement, according to a political expert, head of European Integration NGO.

At news conference in Yerevan, Karen Bekaryan gave a positive assessment to the course of Karabakh settlement process, also praising Armenia’s clear position on the issue.

“Finally Armenia voiced its position, specifying the following conditions for conflict settlement: international community’s recognition of Artsakh independence, as well as readiness to recognize Karabakh if Azerbaijan starts a new war.”

Bekaryan further dwelled on formation of statehood in Artsakh, characterizing the latter as an established state as compared to Kosovo or South Sudan. “Artsakh has to form a clear foreign policy line,” the expert concluded.