September 1, 2011 - 16:15 AMT
Expert says Medvedev will use Karabakh for his benefit at 2012 election

Moscow will intensify its involvement in Nagorno Karabakh settlement at 2012 presidential election campaign in Russia, according to a political expert, head of European Integration NGO.

“Medvedev will definitely attempt to use Karabakh conflict for his benefit, should he run for president in 2012,” Karen Bekaryan told a news conference in Yerevan. “The EU will not be long in assuming a mediator role in Karabakh settlement, in case of Russia’s non-involvement in regional issues, with EU’s increased presence in South Caucasus, as well as EU special representative mandate extension in the region proving the above,” the expert explained.

European Union’s newly appointed Special Representative to the South Caucasus, Philippe Lefort will extend the mandate to include contributing to peaceful settlement of conflicts in line with international law norms and implementation of agreements in coordination with the UN, OSCE and Minsk Group.

The mandate also envisages fostering contacts with authorities, parliaments and other key political entities, juridical authorities and civil communities, encouraging the countries of the region to collaborate on issues of mutual concern, combating terrorism, illegal trafficking and organized crime.

Philippe Lefort was French ambassador to Georgia (2004-2007) and deputy head of mission at the French embassy in Russia (2007-2010). Since 2010, he has been head of the Continental Europe Department at the French Foreign Ministry.