September 2, 2011 - 16:06 AMT
Grape purchase volume expected to reach 155 thous. tons in 2011

The volume of grape purchase expected this year is accessed by Armenian processing companies at 150-155 thousand tons.

As Deputy Agriculture Minister Robert Makaryan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the demand for the product in 2011 exceeds that reported in 2010 by 15-20%.

“In 2010, average purchase price for 1kg of grapes comprised AMD 124,4. An agreement was reached with representatives of processing companies against lowering the price any further,” the Deputy Minister noted.

“Price is formed by the market, yet largely depends on the quality of grapes, which promises to be high this year,” the official said.

“I believe, this year we'll have no problems with grape purchase,” Makaryan concluded.