October 17, 2000 - 19:41 AMT
17.10.2000, MEDIAMAX, YEREVAN. Armenians, residing in Turkey, have started to return to their motherland, reports today "Haykakan Zhamanak" paper, citing the story of Arthur Serobian, who had been living in Istanbul the past 2 years.
According to Serobian, he settled well in Turkey with the 5 members of his family. In Turkey he worked as an interpreter and earned well. Serobian says he had wonderful relations with Turks, including the leadership of the company where he worked. "But everything changed right after they began to discuss the Armenian Resolution in the U.S. Congress. I was told nothing, but I could understand that I couldn't work anymore", says Serobian. Other Armenians residing in Turkey appeared in a similar situation, he said. "5 days ago I received a warning from the police which said that I had to leave Turkey within 24 hours", Serobian says.
In fact, the Turkish authorities have begun to realize the appeal of the ex premier of Turkey, Tansu Ciller. On October 9 the Turkish former prime minister and leader of the opposition True Path Party (DYP) Tansu Ciller, commenting the recent discussions of the bill on Armenian Genocide in the U.S. House of Representatives, announced that there are 30,000 Armenians living in Turkey who are not Turkish citizens. "Let's send these people back to Armenia or simply place them outside of Turkey's boundaries. Let them worry about the consequences of their actions", Ciller said. -0-