September 9, 2011 - 20:01 AMT
Samsung denies buying MeeGo

Samsung Electronics denied buying MeeGo, according to CNET news. In fact, it says it couldn't even if it wanted to.

"Meego is an open source project which can not be a target of acquisition. Samsung has been investing significantly in its own software, solutions and content to differentiate its product offering and to provide a richer experience for consumers," Samsung representative James Chung told CNET.

The response dashed hopes that MeeGo might be saved through an acquisition, which was spurred by a Mobiledia report that Samsung was interested in a deal.

Many had expected Samsung and other handset manufacturers to look toward acquiring their own mobile operating system, which would allow them to reduce their dependence on Google's Android platform. Google's neutral stance was shaken up when it decided to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion, in a deal that would put it in direct competition with its handset manufacturing partners.

Samsung had already denied interest in buying the WebOS platform from Hewlett-Packard, and the MeeGo speculation was the next to pop up. Unlike some of the other handset manufacturers, Samsung already has a home-grown operating system in Bada, which is available in smartphones in select markets.