September 19, 2011 - 18:22 AMT
Artsakh republic 20th anniversary marked in Marseilles

The National Library of Marseilles, France hosted a festive event titled Nagorno Karabakh: 20 Years of Independence.

The event was organised by Marseilles Mayor's Office and the Coordination Council of the Armenian Organizations of France.

The event was attended by Deputies of the National Assembly of France – Vice-Chairman of the French delegation to OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, First Vice-Mayor of Marseilles Roland Blum, Vice-Mayor of Marseilles Valerie Buaye, Richard Mallie, Francois Rochebloine, as well as representatives of regional and municipal authorities, Armenian community, public figures and journalists. The event’s organizers gave a warm welcome to the Artsakh War participant, General Norayr Ter-Grigorian who had attended the event. Tir Katin Karabakh film studio's Artsakh-Karabakh documentary was screened.

The Deputies shared impressions of their visits to the NKR in recent years and congratulated the people and authorities of Artsakh on the 20th anniversary of its statehood.

The event participants expressed optimism over the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict and the international recognition of the NKR.

Representatives of Artsakh, Armenia, and the Diaspora also delivered speeches, NKR Foreign Ministry press service reported.