September 20, 2011 - 16:24 AMT
German ambassador calls for tax reform in Armenia

Germany has traditionally maintained good economic relations with Armenia and seeks their expansion, German ambassador to RA said.

Hans Jochen-Schmidt touched upon some problems and their possible resolution at a press conference in Yerevan. According to him, the Armenian authorities should promote a policy of tax and legal reform.

“We are concerned about large emigration from the country. I believe that by reforming the tax system and setting up favorable work conditions, authorities can reduce the flow of emigrants,” he said.

The ambassador also struck the necessity of changing legal system approach, particularly the issue of implementing obligations assumed by government. “Media must take the role of exercising-control-over-authorities body in their adopting and providing conditions envisaged by law,” he said.

Here the ambassador noted that German embassy plans workshops and trainings for media representatives, aimed at fostering media role in the country’s public life.