September 22, 2011 - 18:56 AMT
Women fined over niqab ban in France

A judge in Meaux, east of Paris, has fined two French women for wearing the niqab – the first sanction since France banned Islamic full-face veils in April.

Hind Ahmas, a 32-year-old single mother from a Paris suburb, and another 36-year-old woman who did not want to be named, were handed fines of Euro120 and 80 respectively. The judge is expected to hand out a full ruling explaining his decision.

The fines mark the first time a French court has pronounced on the niqab ban, the controversial law backed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy that bans women wearing full-face veils from all public places, including walking down the street, taking a bus, going to court or collecting children from school. More than 90 women have been stopped by police but until now, no one had been punished by a court for wearing a face-veil, The Guardian reported.