September 25, 2011 - 17:24 AMT
Azerbaijan again “shifts the blame” in Karabakh issue

Kazan meeting was followed by zero step ahead in nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution.

“Recently Minister Elmar Mammadyarov had a meeting in New York with MG co-Chairs, but I don’t believe there is any progress, for co-Chairs realize that changes are to occur in the Armenians’ position,” Araz Azimov, Azerbaijan’s Deputy Foreign Minister told journalists on Saturday, Trend reports.

Karabakh conflict negotiation sides failed to reach compromise on a range of issues.

The meeting was held by Russian President Medvedev’s initiative and personal participation. The sides failed to reach common ground on the resolution, despite calls and expectations of Russia, USA and France.

Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian accused Baku of breakdown of talks. According to him, Azerbaijan proved not ready to accept MG co-Chairs’ proposal on the key principles of conflict resolution.

The key principles on Karabakh conflict resolution, named “Madrid Principles”, were introduced to Armenia and Azerbaijan by French and Russian Foreign Ministers and US State Secretary Assistant in November 2007 in Madrid, Spain’s capital.