October 3, 2011 - 10:08 AMT
Syrian opposition forms national council to overthrow Assad

Syria's main opposition groups have joined to create a broad-based national council aimed at unifying their efforts to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad's government, which they accuse of pushing the country to the brink of civil war.

A prominent secular dissident, Bourhan Ghalioun, announced the Syrian National Council's formation Sunday, October 2, in Istanbul, Turkey. While he said the group rejects foreign intervention that "compromises Syria's sovereignty," Ghalioun appealed to the international community to protect civilians from what he called a government "war" against them.

The Syrian opposition consists of a variety of groups with differing ideologies. The newly formed council includes Syria's pro-democracy Damascus Declaration, the banned Muslim Brotherhood, various Christian and Kurdish factions and the grass-roots Local Coordination Committees, which have led nationwide street protests.

Ghalioun was flanked in Istanbul Sunday by representatives of each group, which include members of the largest Syrian opposition factions. The SNC comprises a general assembly, a general secretariat and an executive committee whose members will chair the council on a rotating basis, VOA News reported.