October 4, 2011 - 17:55 AMT
State budget revenue grows by 9,7% over Jan-Aug 2011

The state budget revenues amounted to AMD 552,1 bln in January-August 2011 in Armenia, while expenditures totaled AMD 566,9 bln.

9,7% (AMD 48,8 bln) growth was recorded in the state budget revenues as compared with January-August 2010, according to the RA Ministry of Finance.

The state budgetary expenditures amounted to AMD 37,1 bln that is 7% (AMD 37,1 bln) higher compared to January-August 2010.

The state budget was fulfilled with an AMD 14,8 bln deficit in January-July 2011. The deficit was financed with AMD 14,4 bln from internal sources, and AMD 340, 4 mln from external ones.