October 5, 2011 - 11:48 AMT
ANCA-WR to honor Vic Darchinyan at Annual Banquet

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANC-WR) has announced that it will honor IBO bantamweight boxing champion Vic Darchinyan at the 2011 ANCA-WR Annual Banquet for his stalwart commitment to the Armenian Cause and recognition of the Armenian Genocide throughout his internationally heralded boxing career, ANCA-WR said in a press release.

Both in and out of the boxing ring, Darchinyan has been a public and vocal advocate for the Armenian Cause, speaking openly about the Armenian Genocide, and displaying tremendous pride for his heritage. Although he’s a citizen of Australia, Darchinyan always enters the ring carrying the Armenian flag, with rousing Armenian music playing in the background.

Earlier this year, on April 23 in Los Angeles, Darchinyan defeated Yonnhy Perez for the IBO bantamweight title, a class that comprises fighters weighing between 116 to 118 pounds.

Before the start of this nationally televised event, Darchinyan and his entire team walked into the ring wearing shirts in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. The year 1915 was in white on the black beltline of Darchinyan’s trunks.

On April 24, one day after his fight, he joined thousands of Armenian Americans on the streets of Los Angeles in a march to commemorate the Genocide.

“Vic Darchinyan may be classified as a bantamweight by the International Boxing Organization, but he is a heavyweight in the fight to recognize the Armenian Genocide,” said ANCA-WR Chairman Andrew Kzirian. “This award reflects the deep pride that the Armenian American community has for Vic Darchinyan. No matter what his professional record reflects, he will always be the people’s champion for his cultural pride and commitment to the Armenian Cause.”

The Annual Banquet will take place at the Universal Sheraton Hotel on Saturday, November 26.