October 20, 2011 - 09:58 AMT
Azerbaijanis heading for space?

Delegations to the UN met on October 19 to discuss space cooperation. The discussion followed the World Space Week, an annual event observed during the week of October 4-10, and featured a report which mentioned Azerbaijan’s membership in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Given Azerbaijan’s passivity in the field, the Armenian delegation addressed a question to the Azerbaijani representatives, who proved to be absolutely incompetent of the issue.

Asked what other treaties on space exploration Azerbaijan has joined so far, the delegation members couldn’t but keep silent, demonstrating complete ignorance of the matter.

There is an impression that Azerbaijan itself does not know why it became a member of the panel. This fact is noteworthy, taking into account the country’s intention to bid for the seat of non-permanent UN member at the weekend.