October 31, 2011 - 14:29 AMT
17% growth in brandy production reported in Jan-Sept 2011

9355,7 thousand liters of brandy was produced in Armenia in January-September 2011, increasing by 17% against the same period in 2010 (7994,1 thousand liters).

According to the National Statistical Service, 4866,3 thousand liters of vodka was produced in the same period, dropping by 32,3% against January-September 2010. 4143,9 thousand liters of wine was produced in January-September 2011 against 3798,8 thousand liters in 2010 (9,1% growth).

During the reporting period, beer production totaled 12615,7 thousand liters, decreasing by 3,5% against January-September 2010 (13079,1 thousand liters). Production of champagne dropped by 6,7%, totaling 211 thousand liters.

In 2011, production of soft drinks in Armenia grew by 5,1% totaling 27889,6 thousand liters.