November 3, 2011 - 12:46 AMT
Assange lawyers urge Australian government to intervene over extradition

Lawyers of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday, November 3, ramped up pressure on the Australian government to intervene over his extradition to Sweden, saying he will not get a fair trial, AFP reports.

Assange, who is Australian, on Wednesday lost a bitter legal battle to block his being sent from Britain to Sweden to face questioning over allegations of rape and sexual assault.

Two judges at the High Court in London rejected arguments by the 40-year-old, whose anti-secrecy website has enraged governments around the world, that his extradition would be unlawful.

Assange’s legal counsel Geoffrey Robertson called on the Australian government to step in. "I think Canberra may have to do something about it," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "As far as Julian Assange is concerned, Sweden doesn't have bail, doesn't have money bail for foreigners, so he's likely to be held in custody."

Robertson added that he does not believe the WikiLeaks founder, who has previously blasted Canberra for not doing enough to protect him amid the fallout from the leaks, will face a fair trial in Sweden.

"He's going to be tried in secret, and this is outrageous by our standards and by any standards," he said.

Assange has strongly denied the rape allegations, claiming they are politically motivated and linked to the activities of WikiLeaks. He has been under virtual house arrest since he was first detained in December.