November 16, 2011 - 10:50 AMT
Apple names new chairman of the board

The world's most valuable technology company, Apple, has named long-serving director Arthur Levinson as chairman of the board.

The post had been vacant since Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died in early October.

Mr Levinson is chairman of Genentech and has been co-lead director on Apple's board, which he joined in 2000, since 2005. "Apple is always focused on out-innovating itself... and that is something I am very proud to be a part of," Mr Levinson said in a statement.

Apple has also appointed Disney boss Robert Iger to its board of directors.

Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, praised Mr Levinson for his contributions to the company, saying "his insight and leadership are incredibly valuable".

He also said Robert Iger was "a great fit" and his experience of heading a company like Disney, which is focused on generating creative content and using new technology, would be a valuable asset for Apple, BBC reported.