November 29, 2011 - 09:43 AMT
Germany, U.S. urge action on Syria

The United States and Germany on Monday, November 28, led Western calls for the divided UN Security Council to act on Syria's deadly assault against protests after UN investigators said crimes against humanity had been committed, AFP reports.

"It is past time for the Security Council to take much more decisive action with respect to Syria," said US ambassador Susan Rice. The Council cannot "stand idly by," added Germany's UN envoy Peter Wittig.

The 15-member council was split last month by a European-drafted resolution condemning President Bashar al-Assad's crackdown. Russia and China vetoed the resolution, while Brazil, India, South Africa and Lebanon abstained.

But a report by a UN human rights commission, which said crimes against humanity had been ordered by the "highest levels" of Assad's government, and the Arab League decision to order sanctions have strengthened the calls for action.

The United States and its European allies have already condemned the rare double veto by Russia and China.