December 19, 2011 - 18:36 AMT
La Poste to re-engineer Haypost operations in 2012

Haypost Trust Management and Haypost CJSC officials met with the head of La Poste French national postal operator Jean Paul Forceville.

During the meeting, the parties discussed current project aimed at improvement of Armenian postal operator functions. The project was developed by La Poste experts to improve the logistic outline and sorting process at Haypost.

In early 2012, the re-engineering stage will be launched aiming to expedite transfers and improve the quality of services.

In 2012, Haypost will carry out the management of logistic outlining and sorting processes under the guidance of La Poste experts.

On May 6, 2010 the Armenian national postal operator and La Poste signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement to improve Haypost operations.