December 20, 2011 - 13:21 AMT
ARFD deems Armenia’s high poverty rate as main threat to coming elections

ARF Dashnaktsutyun (ARFD) opposition party member Artsvik Minasyan noted high poverty rate in Armenia as the main threat to holding fair elections in the country.

Mr. Minasyan slammed the new Election Code as not inclusive of opposition’s main proposals, adding that his party was not provided relevant support from other opposition forces, specifically the Armenian National Congress (ANC) for improvement of electoral legislation.

ARFD member suggested authorities organize video filming at all polling stations on election day, as well as ban “charity” before the ballot.

Dwelling on ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) member Hovhannes Sahakyan’s statement, Minasyan noted that poverty rate totaled 26% against current 54% when ARF Dashnaktsutyun was a coalition member.