January 9, 2012 - 10:55 AMT
Turkey to cooperate with Japan for nuke plant construction

Turkey is determined to continue cooperating with Japan on construction of a nuclear power plant despite the Fukushima disaster, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said.

”After the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, we are determined to proceed with this cooperation. Japan’s experiences will further enrich the collaboration,” Anatolia News Agency quoted Davutoğlu as saying during a joint press conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba.

Davutoğlu reminded the assembled media that both countries have similarities regarding the level of energy required due to their dynamic economies. “Therefore, we have huge potential to work on nuclear energy and renewable energy with similar projects.”

In response to the public debate in Japan regarding the Fukushima disaster and the demand from other countries for Japan to assist with their nuclear power plants, Gemba drew attention to the importance of Japan’s sharing of experience and lessons taken from the Fukushima disaster.

Davutoğlu defined Turkey and Japan as significant strategic partners in all regional issues and attached vital importance to developing a common Asia strategy with the country. The Turkish foreign minister reported that he and Koichiro agreed to turn Turkish-Japanese relations into a strategic partnership and would establish a mechanism between the ministries. “We will sign an agreement during my visit to Japan in the spring,” he said.

Elaborating on bilateral economic relations, Davutoğlu stressed low figures, saying new agreements would be signed to boost economic ties.