January 25, 2012 - 14:47 AMT
Ukraine urged to follow France’s suit on Genocide issue

Dwelling on passage of the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial by the French Senate, Larisa Skorik, professor of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, secretary of the humanitarian council at the Ukrainian President, expressed wish for Ukraine to follow France’s suit.

“French Parliament’s decision proves that France shows greater adherence to human values, upholding justice despite everything. Armenian massacres should be characterized as Genocide,” Analitika.at.ua quoted Larisa Skorik as saying.

On January 23 the French Senate passed the bill with 127 votes for and 86 against. On December 22, 2011, it was adopted by the French National Assembly. The bill will impose a 45,000 euro fine and a year in prison for anyone in France who denies this crime against humanity committed by the Ottoman Empire.

The bill is believed to take effect in France within two weeks, after it will be signed by President.