January 25, 2012 - 15:42 AMT
Valérie Boyer celebrates adoption of Genocide bill

Valérie Boyer, one of the initiators of the bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide denial jointly with the local Armenian community celebrated the passage of the draft law. Boyer’s Facebook page testifies to the aforesaid.

“Large number of politicians, entrepreneurs, public figures and cultural workers gathered to celebrate the passage of the Genocide bill,” Boyer’s assistant told Turkish Hurriyet newspaper.

On January 23 the French Senate passed the bill with 127 votes for and 86 against. On December 22, 2011, it was adopted by the French National Assembly. The bill will impose a 45,000 euro fine and a year in prison for anyone in France who denies this crime against humanity committed by the Ottoman Empire.

The bill is believed to take effect in France within two weeks, after it will be signed by President.