January 28, 2012 - 15:30 AMT
Bodies of 17 prisoners, mostly with bullet to head, found in Syria

The bodies of 17 men arrested by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces during an armored assault this week on the city of Hama were found dumped in the streets after being shot in the head, activists said on Saturday.

According to Reuters, the reported killings mark an escalation in a five-month military crackdown on Hama, 240 km (150 miles) north of Damascus, where armed rebels are now backing protesters after tanks stormed the conservative Sunni Muslim city in August.

"They were killed execution style, mostly with one bullet to the head. Iron chains that had tied them were left on their legs as a message to the people to stop resisting,", an activist in the city, said.

Another activist said the bodies, their hands tied by plastic wire and some with their legs chained, were dumped in the streets of five Hama neighborhoods on Thursday evening.

There was no comment from the Syrian authorities, who tightly restrict independent media access to the country.