October 10, 2003 - 20:02 AMT
Four countries - Azerbaijan, US, UK and Turkey - compete for the right not to receive Azeri president Heydar Aliyev, a source in Russian special services told Political News Agency (PNA) of Russia. According to the information of the source, at present Aliyev Sr., being supported by reviving apparatus, is in Cleveland, US. However, Washington has made the Azeri president's successor Ilham Aliyev understand that official statement of death of Aliyev Sr. in the US territory "is extremely undesirable," as it will cast a shadow on the US medicine. Earlier it was planned to transport Heydar Aliyev to "Gulhane" Turkish clinic and register the fact of his dying there. However, "Gulhane" refuses to receive Heydar Aliyev so far: Azeri ex-president Abulfaz Elchibey had died in that clinic a few years ago, and two leaders are too much for one hospital. Finally, Ilham Aliyev himself is flatly against his father officially dying in the territory of Azerbaijan, upon arriving in Baku. According to the version of the source used by the APN, it is not ruled out that Heydar Aliyev will have to officially die in the plane on his way from Cleveland. Up to now it is not clear, where the president's plane will land: in London, where Aliyevs' have a family crypt at one of the cemeteries, or in Nakhichevan, at the birthplace of Aliyev Sr.