February 7, 2012 - 17:56 AMT
China mulls sending envoys to Syria

China said it is considering dispatching envoys to Syria to press for an end to violence there, as Beijing faces international criticism for blocking a United Nations Security Council resolution that targeted the Syrian government, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said during a daily press briefing on Tuesday, February 7 that China might dispatch representatives to the region to help push for a peace deal in the near future, though he didn't provide details on when the mission could occur or with whom Chinese representatives would meet. The announcement comes just as Russia's foreign minister and spy chief arrived in Damascus on Tuesday in a bid to prevent escalating conflicts from spiraling into civil war.

Both China and Russia – permanent Security Council members with veto power – on Saturday blocked a resolution that called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step aside. The resolution was prompted by reports of growing bloodshed as the Syrian government cracked down on opposition groups.