February 9, 2012 - 15:07 AMT
Rep Schiff to be honored by Armenian Bar Association

Congressman Adam B. Schiff and Glendale City Council member (and former Glendale Mayor) Rafi Manoukian will be the guests of honor as the Armenian Bar Association (ArmenBar) hosts a reception at the Phoenicia Restaurant on February 23, Asbarez reported.

ArmenBar’s Vice Chairman, Dean of the Peoples College of Law and member of the Glendale Civil Service Commission, Garo Ghazarian, will preside as master of ceremonies.

“Both Congressman Schiff and Councilman Manoukian have had long and distinguished careers in public service,” said Edvin Minassian, Chairman of ArmenBar. “We look forward to celebrating their exemplary careers in service to nation and community at the upcoming dinner and reception.”

Representative Adam Schiff has served in Congress since 2001, representing Glendale and surrounding communities. Schiff is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee. During his years in the House, Congressman Schiff has been an unflagging voice in support of the interests of the Armenian people. He was a prime mover of House Resolution 106 in 2007, an act recognizing the Armenian Genocide, and remained so in the face of intense Turkish government pressure to have that legislative effort quashed.

Glendale Councilman Rafi Manoukian, a certified public accountant, has directed the Manoukian Accountancy Corporation since 1993. He has served continuously as an elected officer in Glendale city government for the past decade, with duties as mayor in 2002-2003 and 2005-2006. During his tenure as councilman, Manoukian also served as Chairman of the Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency.