September 11, 2003 - 18:41 AMT
Armenian Culture Days will be held for already 14-th time in Crimea, where some 25 thousand Armenians reside according to unofficial data and 8769 - according to the latest census. As reported by "Yerkramas" newspaper of Armenians of the south of Russia, the celebrities will commence September 13 in Kerch, will continue in a number of other cities and will finish in early October in Simferopol, where a gala-concert of artistic collectives will be held. The clerical community of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Kerch is expected to be granted a complex of spiritual premises, owned by the community before 1917. Among them are an Armenian church built in 1856, where the philharmonic society was situated till recently. Within the Culture Days "Armenians of Crimea: the past, present and future" conference and presentations of Armenian authors' books issued in Crimea will be held. An exhibition of works of Armenian artists and photographers will take place in the Crimean Ethnographic Museum.