March 7, 2012 - 17:23 AMT
Council of Europe panel wants investigation into Blatter's re-election

A European lawmakers' advisory group has called on FIFA to investigate Sepp Blatter's re-election as president and publish documents relating to a kickbacks scandal, The Associated Press reported.

The 47-nation Council of Europe panel says FIFA should examine whether Blatter exploited his position to obtain "unfair advantages" ahead of the balloting last June.

Blatter was re-elected unopposed when rival candidate Mohamed bin Hammam withdrew after being accused of bribing voters.

The Council's report on sports governance asks FIFA to "publish in full any judicial and other documents" it possesses about the ISL case, in which senior soccer officials allegedly took millions of dollars in kickbacks from World Cup broadcast deals.

European lawmakers will discuss the report next month in Strasbourg, France.