March 7, 2012 - 18:44 AMT
Anonymous retaliates LulzSec arrests, hacks Panda Security’s website

Reports of arrests of five members of hacker group LulzSec, seemingly brought down by their own leader working in tandem with the FBI came March 6, Slashgear reported.

Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka “Sabu”, was arrested back in June 2011 and is thought to have been working with the FBI ever since. In response, members claiming to be part of Anonymous have hacked and defaced Panda Security’s PandaLabs website.

Computerworld reports that Anonymous attacked and defaced the website in response to Panda Security’s involvement in the arrests of 25 members of Anonymous across the world. Luis Corrons, research director at Panda Labs, has previously said that “sometimes if you want to infiltrate and you have to be one of the criminals, you have to do things that you shouldn’t.”

Anonymous confirmed via the defaced website that the company was activity participating on IRC channels, as well as DoS attempts, trying to infiltrate the group. Anonymous also referred to yesterday’s LulzSec arrests.

Heading up the brazen message was an embedded YouTube video of various Anonymous hacks and conquests, set to the tune of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”. The hackers finally posted up dozens of email addresses and passwords of Panda Security employees, as well as various admin passwords and login credentials.

Currently the Panda Security website is offline, although a cached copy of the hack and Anonymous’ message can still be accessed.