March 7, 2012 - 20:41 AMT
Iran's Ayatollah orders to form internet control center

Iran's supreme leader on Wednesday, March 7 ordered the creation of a special cyber centre led by top political and military figures to control the country's internet use, Fars news agency reported.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wrote in a letter to local authorities that the National Centre for Cyber Space would help create new opportunities for Iranian internet users and at the same time prevent the improper use of the web.

Those appointed to lead the new cyber centre include President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani, as well as the heads of the intelligence service, police and Revolutionary Guards and the ministers of telecommunication and culture.

The formation of the centre is the most aggressive measure yet taken by Iran in its bid to control internet use.

Last year Iran formed a cyber police unit to tackle what it calls “modern crimes,” which include the online activities of political opposition groups.

The cyber police also target social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, used by dissidents inside and outside Iran to coordinate political protests and exchange information.

Over 5 million websites are reportedly blocked in Iran, including Facebook, though Iranians use proxy software and virtual private networks (VPN) to access them.

Facebook alone has more than 17 million users in Iran despite being blocked.

Iranian officials have, for over three decades, been waging what they call a “battle against the invasion of Western culture.”

This has led to the blocking of 'immoral' internet sites and the banning of Western music and movies. Pirate copies are, however, easily available on the black market.

Last year the government also announced a plan to introduce a “national” or “Islamic internet” in Iran. The plan has not yet been implemented, M&C reported citing DPA.