March 10, 2012 - 11:22 AMT
Enormous radio telescope may be installed in South Africa

A scientific panel has narrowly recommended South Africa over Australia as the best site for the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA), an enormous US$2.1-billion radio telescope, Slashdot reports.

While the project's member states have yet to make a final decision on where the telescope will go, the odds are now that the African bid will ultimately win out against the joint bid from Australia and New Zealand to host the project.

The SKA radio telescope will be made up of some a 3,000 dishes, each 15 meters in diameter. The project will try to answer big questions about the early Universe: how the first elements heavier than helium formed, for example, and how the first galaxies coalesced. The telescope is so sensitive that it could even pick up television signals from distant worlds - something that might aid in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."