February 25, 2004 - 18:00 AMT
As result of searches at the territory of Green Garden enterprise, the officers of the Yerevan Department for Struggle against Organized Crime revealed and confiscated 19 blasting assemblies, 2 aerosol bombs, "Shmeiser" machine carbine, ammunition and cold steel. According to a report by RA Police press service, the investigators found out that weapons and ammunition belonged to Yerevan residents Kolya Harutyunian, Gurgen Papikian, Armen Sahakian and Romik Mkhitarian, who was sentenced to one year imprisonment for a homicide and unlawful possession of weapons in 2000. After the criminal case had been initiated, the police arrested Kolya Harutyunian and Armen Sahakian. At present measures for detaining Romik Mkhitarian are being undertaken. Meanwhile, as reported by Arminfo agency according to the words of Suren Sureniants, the person in charge for the information of Republic opposition party, the actions of the police bear political nature and are directed against the activists of the party. In part, he stated, the sanctions against Romik Mkhitarian were launched as the revenge for his activities in favor of opposition nominee Stepan Demirchian during the last presidential election.