March 16, 2012 - 12:27 AMT
Armenian PM extends condolences to Belgium

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan sent a note of condolences to Elio Di Rupo, Prime Minister of Belgium over the tragedy in Sierre, Switzerland.

“I am deeply saddened by the tragedy in the Swiss city of Sierre which took a toll on 28 Belgians. On behalf of the Armenian government and personally myself, I’d like to express my deepest condolences to you, friendly Belgian people and families of victims, and wish you strength and patience in this moment of grief,” the statement says.

46 children and four teachers from two Belgian schools were returning home from a skiing holiday late Tuesday, March 13, when their coach slammed into a concrete wall in the motorway tunnel.

22 of the dead were from Belgium while the other 6 fatalities were from the Netherlands.

Three of the injured children remained in critical condition, a Swiss hospital spokeswoman said, and could not be moved.

The body of the driver was also expected to remain as "health analyses have to be carried out" to check if he was suffering from an illness that could have caused the accident.