March 17, 2012 - 10:43 AMT
UEFA President honored pitch in Serbia

The Football Association of Serbia named the main pitch at its Stara Pazova training base after Michel Platini in a ceremony attended by the UEFA President and other officials, according to UEFA official website.

UEFA President Michel Platini has visited Serbia where the main pitch at the Football Association of Serbia (FSS) training centre was named after him in a ceremony at Stara Pazova, 30km from Belgrade.

The pitch was christened "Pitch No10 – Michel Platini" during an inauguration ceremony attended by Mr Platini and FSS president Tomislav Karadћiж as well as senior officials from both organisations.

"It is a really great honour for me," said Mr Platini. "This is the second pitch with my name – the first is at the French FA [FFF] sports centre in Clairefontaine. Now I accept this kind offer of the FA of Serbia, because this is one pitch in a very modern sports centre. I would like to say thanks to president Karadžić and the FA of the Serbia for their decision and to express satisfaction about our good relationship."