March 22, 2012 - 14:11 AMT
Expert predicts entry of 4-6 parties into parliament

Director of Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan believes that key runners for the upcoming parliamentary election will be the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Prosperous Armenia, Orinats Yerkir parties and the opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC), ARF Dashnaktsutyn and Heritage-Free Democrats.

“These are the parties that seriously bid for the parliament,” the political expert said.

Iskandaryan mentioned that if elections were due this Sunday, RPA, Prosperous Armenia, ANC and Dashnaktsutyn would definitely enter the National Assembly.

Heritage is also most likely to join the parliament, while Orinats Yerkir makes every effort to overcome the set 5 % barrier.

The expert does not see any other political force capable for serious moves at this stage.