NKR MFA: Economic Sanctions against Transnistria Inadmissible

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic is seriously concerned over exacerbation of the situation around the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic. The NK MFA believes that introducing economic sanctions against Transnistria is inadmissible. According to an official statement of the Ministry, introducing economic sanctions against the people of Transnistria prompts humanitarian catastrophe. «NK has experience blockade of many years, imposed by Azerbaijan, which inflicted severe economic and humanitarian losses to the population, only confirms these tools are unfounded in conflict settlement,» the statement says.

The NKR MFA also pays attention to the change of the political conjuncture around Transnistria, which upsets the general settlement and can provoke exacerbation of the conflict. «The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that interested parties will display wisdom, will refuse from not productive methods of pressure and will realize the inevitability of discussion of problems accumulated at a bargaining table, and will highlight political, economic and social rights of the multi-ethnic people of the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic,» says the statement of the NKR MFA.
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