Election in Azerbaijan Don't Meet European Standards, Observers Say

November 7, 2005 - 17:40 AMT  20:14 GMT
Despite the fact that the voting passed in a quiet atmosphere, the situation aggravated while the counting of votes, says the preliminary statement issued by the international monitoring mission.

Armenian Genocide Not Only Armenian but Also Turkish Issue

November 7, 2005 - 17:09 AMT  20:14 GMT
Time forces to acknowledge the crimes committed in the past, Turkish historians say.

Azeri Opposition Demands Re-Election

November 7, 2005 - 16:23 AMT  20:14 GMT
Mass falsifications were fixed during the parliamentary election in Azerbaijan, the Chairman of the National Front of Azerbaijan party stated.

Days of Armenian-Italian Friendship Completed in Yerevan

November 7, 2005 - 16:19 AMT  20:14 GMT
"Many cultural workers came from Italy and I felt like home those days," Marco Clemente said.

Azerbaijani CEC and Exit Poll Results Coincide on Whole

November 7, 2005 - 16:13 AMT  20:14 GMT
The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said earlier that the U.S. will recognize the election outcomes if the official data and exit poll results show the difference no more than 2%.

Kiniklioglu: Events in 1915 Can Indirectly Affect Turkey Accession to EU

November 7, 2005 - 15:55 AMT  20:14 GMT
Turkey fully meets EU demands without disputing with the EU, considering it luxury, stated US Marshall Foundation Ankara Office Director.

Action against Turkey's EU Membership Held in Paris

November 7, 2005 - 15:04 AMT  20:14 GMT
The action participants spread statements like "You should say "no" to Turkey in Europe" and "65% of the European population against Turkey's accession to the EU."

S. Kiniklioglu: Armenia-Turkey Dialogue Shouldn't Start with Discussion of 1915 Issue

November 7, 2005 - 14:43 AMT  20:14 GMT
"I am an adherent to the activation of the Armenia-Turkey relations," Director of German Marshall Fund's Ankara office stated.

Ruling Party Claims Victory in Azerbaijani Parliamentary Election

November 7, 2005 - 13:26 AMT  20:14 GMT
The U.S. observers gave a positive estimate to the parliamentary election in Azerbaijan.

Mike Fitzpatrick Joined Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues

November 7, 2005 - 13:14 AMT  20:14 GMT
The Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues numbers 149.