Azeri Authorities Actions in Old Julfa Cannot Be Justified

Azeri Authorities Actions in Old Julfa Cannot Be Justified

March 30, 2006 - 17:57 AMT  08:10 GMT
«I am not very well familiar with the details, however I am sure there is historical evidence, manuscripts, confirming the fact that Armenians have always lived in Nakhichevan,» Mikhail Meyer said.
Russia Intends to Revise Policy towards Armenia

Russia Intends to Revise Policy towards Armenia

March 30, 2006 - 17:31 AMT  08:10 GMT
Relations with a strategic partner as Armenia is for Russia, should be closer, Mikhail Meyer said.
Armenian Greek Economic Cooperation Far behind Political Interaction

Armenian Greek Economic Cooperation Far behind Political Interaction

March 30, 2006 - 15:58 AMT  08:10 GMT
The Armenian leader pointed out stimulating economic cooperation, which does not reflect the potential of Armenia and Greece, a priority.
Baku Tries to Present Armenia as Aggressor, but Does It for Domestic Use

Baku Tries to Present Armenia as Aggressor, but Does It for Domestic Use

March 30, 2006 - 15:38 AMT  08:10 GMT
"I cannot say today to which extent Azerbaijan's intention to quit talks is serious, however Armenia pursues a clear and consistent policy in the matter," Garnik Isagulyan said.
US Has Tools to Exacerbate Contradiction between Iran's People and Regime

US Has Tools to Exacerbate Contradiction between Iran's People and Regime

March 30, 2006 - 15:24 AMT  08:10 GMT
Washington states it is necessary to expand the coalition of countries, which object against Teheran's terrorist activities.
Kazimirov: No Need to Invent New Cooperation Forms on Karabakh Settlement

Kazimirov: No Need to Invent New Cooperation Forms on Karabakh Settlement

March 30, 2006 - 15:19 AMT  08:10 GMT
«Nagorno Karabakh not being a participant of the talks protracts the conflict settlement,» Russian diplomat said.
OSCE MG Does Not Object against Karabakh Participation in Talks

OSCE MG Does Not Object against Karabakh Participation in Talks

March 30, 2006 - 14:45 AMT  08:10 GMT
"The Kosovo model cannot be a precedent for other conflict regions," Steven Mann believes.

Venue of Armenia-Azerbaijan Football Match May Be Decided in May

March 30, 2006 - 14:31 AMT  08:10 GMT
The UEFA is going to form a commission for studying the issue of holding elimination matches of Euro-2008 between national teams of Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Kocharian Nominated for Unity of Orthodox Peoples Prize in 2006

Kocharian Nominated for Unity of Orthodox Peoples Prize in 2006

March 30, 2006 - 14:08 AMT  08:10 GMT
«The Armenian Church is concerned with Orthodox Russians be spiritually fed. In this respect the support by the Armenian President and city administration is available,» Moscow and All Russia Patriarch said.

Prednestrovians Try to Win Over Armenians to Their Side

March 10, 2006 - 11:53 AMT  08:10 GMT
Transport blockade of the unrecognized Prednestrovian Republic continues. On the 3rd of March the government of Ukraine announced the introduction of new customs regime for the transportation of goods across Prednestrovian - Ukrainian border. From now on, the Ukrainian party demands Moldavian customs' registration of transported goods. The situation, which may turn to a humanitarian disaster, worries also citizens of other unrecognized republics, including Nagorno-Karabakh.